BiQ API Ændringer - BiQ

BiQ Alert SDK

Third Party Developer

BiQ Alert SDK consist of 3 services, they are documented at
their respective swagger sites.


BiQ Alert is a service developed by BiQ A/S that facilitates realtime information about important changes in your customers master data and other relevant customer data from CPR, CVR and Statstidende such as name changes, address changes, status changes etc.

Our solution is based on creation of what we call a ‘customer shadow database’ with a selected subset of your customer data. Typically, a client number, a name and an address. The customer data is then constantly mirrored against public databases (now CPR, Statstidende and CVR). The Alert solution then facilitates a flow of updates to customer data back to the client’s own database. These customer updates are provided in feeds and are categorized in either notifications or approved changes from where it is possible to automate important customer changes, such as a name and address change of a customer.

Secure integration and creation of your customer database is described in the below two services and related documentation: “Authorization” and “CustomerShadow”.

How to handle the updates and integrate to your client databases is described and documented in the below service “AlertChanges”.

To help getting started we have provided developers with a step-by-step guide “Step by step guide – try it in your browser” as the last part of this page.

Important: To complete the full integration a BiQ Search account is needed. The account will give you access to an api-key, tenant-ID and a GUI part of the solution. The api-key is private and must be kept a secret. We can provide a new key upon request if necessary.


Service documentation:
Service URL:

Your TenantId: [recieve it from BiQ Support]
Your apiKey: [recieve it from BiQ Support]

Customer Shadow

Place a shadow/a copy of your customers at BiQ, so BiQ can monitor public
data sources for changes.
Service documentation:
Service URL:

Alert Changes

Retrieve alerts, notification and changes about your customers.

Service documentation:

Service URL:

Step by Step Guide – Try it in your browser


View our example code.

We have developed a representative set of example code to help your start up process. Please contact us for if you need this.

Hvad siger kunderne?


“Hos SEF har vi siden 2016 haft automatisk ALERT integration til vores Kunde- og afregningssystem, som vi er super glade for.  Det skaber stor værdi og hjælper os med nemt, automatisk og kontinuerligt, at have de mest korrekte og opdaterede kundedata. Alert løsningen er abonnementsbaseret datavask, som monitorerer og dagligt sender informationer om ændringer i […]

Kræftens Bekæmpelse

“Vi bruger BiQ Search til at finde nye adresser på vores medlemmer, når deres post ikke når frem. BiQ Search er også god, når vi skal verificere, at en person stadig bor på adressen, er flyttet eller evt. er afgået ved døden. PÅ den måde sparer vi en masse tid, og sikrer at de budskaber […]

Dagbladet Børsen

“Med dets enkle, hurtige og pålidelige adgang til data, er BiQ Insight på personoplysnings-delen klart markedsledende i Danmark”

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